Valley of Flowers


Exact Location: The Valley of Flowers is nestled in the upper expansions of Bhyundar Ganga near Joshimath in Gharwal region and the old name of this valley was Bhyundar Valley.
District: Chamoli
Nearest Town: Joshimath

Getting to the Valley of Flowers requires a trek of about 17 km. The nearest major town is Joshimath in Garhwal, which has convenient road connections from Haridwar and Dehradun, both about 270 km from Joshimath.

Govindghat is a small place close to Joshimath (around one hour distance), from where the trek starts.From Gobindghat, a trek of 14 km brings trekkers to the Ghangaria, a small settlement located about 3 km from the valley. The valley starts near a gorge over the Pushpawati River.


A slice of paradise descends on the valley of Uttaranchal every year and turns the valley into a vibrant display of colors. We bring to you the hidden gem - "Valley of Flowers"

The beautiful state of Uttaranchal beckoned and here we are amidst the bright hues of the “Valley of Flowers”. Nestled in Chamoli Garhwal close to the Nanda Devi National Park, this vivid display of nature’s beauty is perched at an altitude of 3,200 m and 6,675 m.
Reaching this place of scenic beauty is an experience in itself. As we trekked along the Govind Ghat, near Pulna we were in awe and left enthralled by the untouched beauty of the valleys wild flowers, gurgling streams, bubbling springs, rocky boulders and glimpses of snow clad crests.
The majestic peaks surrounding the valley divided by the Pushpawati River flowing through, makes for a dream landscape. Following the well tread path, we reached the point where the valley opens out into “a valley of flowers”! Hours of trekking and imagining how a valley filled with flowers would look, got us to the moment we were waiting for. However, to get a closer look at Mother Nature’s vibrant exhibit, we made our way through the thick flora; and the effort was sure worth every step of the way. After capturing its beauty in my lens, I turn my gaze around the valleys splendor and see many smaller valleys formed by glacier streams flowing through the valley. A word of caution we were told by the locals that all its beauty and vibrancy aside the flowers in the flat land region of Nag Tal are considered to be poisonous, so do not smell and pluck these flowers!

The majestic peaks surrounding the valley divided by the Pushpawati River flowing through, makes for a dream landscape. Following the well tread path, we reached the point where the valley opens out into “a valley of flowers”! Hours of trekking and imagining how a valley filled with flowers would look, got us to the moment we were waiting for. However, to get a closer look at Mother Nature’s vibrant exhibit, we made our way through the thick flora; and the effort was sure worth every step of the way. After capturing its beauty in my lens, I turn my gaze around the valleys splendor and see many smaller valleys formed by glacier streams flowing through the valley. A word of caution we were told by the locals that all its beauty and vibrancy aside the flowers in the flat land region of Nag Tal are considered to be poisonous, so do not smell and pluck these flowers!

Come the months of July and August the snow on the peaks melt gently transforming the valley into a colorful canvas is spread with flowers in full bloom as far as your eyes can see. This gem has been hidden from tourists for a long time and mostly frequented by the locals here, until 1931 when it was accidently discovered by mountaineer, botanist and traveler Frank Smith. So mesmerized was Frank Smith by the beauty of the valley that he wrote a book called “Valley of Flowers”, which brought this hidden splendor in the spot light.

Embraced by peaks on all sides, this valley was declared a National Park in 1982, and further was added to the list of World Heritage sites by UNESCO in 2005. The Valleys rich flora has no bounds which are a Mecca for endangered flowers and medicinal plants; its location at the edge of the Himalayan ranges ads to its pristine magnificence.
I’m sure after reading this you have painted a pretty picture of the valley in your mind! So what are you waiting for, pack your bags and head to the hills.

District: Chamoli, Uttaranchal
How to reach: The nearest airport is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, the nearest railhead is Rishikesh 302 km.   
Best Season: July-August when the valley is in full bloom
Stay:  Camping in the valley is prohibited, so Ghanghria will serve as your base camp while here.

different flower species with their season

1. Rhododendron arboreum February–June
2. Primula denticuleta April–July
3. Iris kemaonensis June–July
4. Fritillaria roylei June–July
5. Lilium oxypetalum June–July
6. Arisaema costautum June–July
7. Thermopsisa barbata June–July
8. Rosa macrophylla June–July
9. Caltha palustris June–July
10. Fragaria nubicola May–July
11. Saxifraga roylei July–August
12. Anemone obtusiloba June–August
13. Cypripedium himalaicum June–August
14. Rheum australe July–August
15. Phlomis oracteosa June–August
16. Hackelia uncinata June–August
17. Senecio jacquemotiamus August–September
18. Ligularia amplexicaulis July–August
19. Morina longifolia July–September
20. Geum elatum July–August
21. Geranium wallichianum July–August
22. Impatiense sulcata July–August
23. Meconopsis aculeata July–August
24. Delphenium roylei July–August
25. Aconitum hookeri August–September
26. Thalictrum reniforme July–September
27. Potentilla atrosanguinea July–September
28. Sedum ewersii August–September
29. Dactylorhiza hatagirea June–July
30. Bistorta affinis August–September
31. Stachys sericee August–September
32. Nepeta connata August–September
33. Pedicularis hoffmeistri July–August
34. Swertia hookeri August–September
35. Gentiana ornata August–September
36. Gaultheria erichophy August–September
37. Codonopsis affinis August–September
38. Angelica cyelocarpa July–September
39. Leontopodium jacotianum July–September
40. Saussurea fastuosa July–September
41. Campanula latitotia August–September
42. Cyananthus lobotus August–September
43. Sassurea obvallata August–September
44. Cremanthodium ellisii July–September
45. Anaphalis triplineruts July–September
46. Inula grandiflora August–September
47. Aster albescens July–September
48. Selinium tenuifolium August–September
49. Heracleum pinnatum August–September
50. Epilobium latisperma August–September
51. Silene setisperma August–September
52. Arenaria griffithii August–September
53. Corydalis junecea August–September
54. Erigerono multiradiatus August–September
55. Polygonum molle August–September
56. Himalayan Blue Poppy July–September
57. Codonopsis viridis July–August
58. Origanus vulgare July–August
59. Hackelia uncinata July–August
60. Salvia hins/lanata July–August
61. Smilacina purpurea/oleracea June–July
62. Viola biflora June–August
63. Rhodiola heterodonta July–August
64. Epilohium latifolium July–August
65. Cotoneaster integrifolius July–August
66. Dubyaea hispida August–September
67. Saussurea costus July–August
68. Ligularia fiseheri July–August
69. Androsace museoidea July–August
70. Eritrichium conum July–August
71. Lindelofi anchusoides July–August
72. Thymus linearis June–August
73. Rheum webbianum June–August
74. Megacorpaea polyandra June–August
75. Trillidium govanianum June–August
76. Satyrium nepoleanse June–August
77. Podophyllum hexaneum June–August
78. Picrorhiza kurrooa June–August
79. Polygonatum multiflorum June–August


2 Respones to "Valley of Flowers"

Anonymous said...

What a wow wow
its a real heaven on earth
n too many types of flowers at one place,its a miracle from god

10:13 PM, November 23, 2010
Anand Patel said...

awesome info
now m despo to visit this place,its a heaven or god's place what i say,havent words to explain

4:39 PM, November 25, 2010

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